Mission Statement



Our Mission Statement:

1.  To work closely and co-operate fully with all statutory and other bodies to explore all access opportunities, influencing policy making wherever possible.

2. Encourage creative thinking in the planning of safe Off-Road Equestrian Routes.

AP McCoy presenting Steve Gardner with BHS Access Achievement Award

AP McCoy presenting Steve Gardner with BHS Access Achievement Award

3. To press for the creation of new Bridleways and the improvement of those in existence.

4. To link existing Bridleways and other equestrian routes to create an effective network.

5. To work with statutory authorities to improve road safety.

6. Recognise the legitimate needs and concerns of landowners/managers affected and work towards ensuring any routes are satisfactory to them.

7. Press for the development of Multi-use trails and actively support Horse Riders on existing cycleways.

8. Actively pursue research of ‘lost ways’ bringing awareness of the 2026 cut off point for claiming old routes to the fore front.


A little bit of info about Steve Gardener who is pictured with A P McCoy,
who competing in National Hunt Racing has amassed over 4192 winners!!
Steve Gardener  is the Public Rights of Way Senior Officer,
Asset Management and Enforcement Devon County Council.
He worked tirelessly on the Public Rights of Ways especially The Pegasus Way
and works closely with South West Riders and continues to do so.
We are very grateful for what he has done and does.

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